Weather Underground PWS IKARNATA11

Monday, April 14, 2008

Courier Delivery when nobody at home...

All have experienced this... Expecting a courier... it comes at a time when you aren't at home... 'House locked, courier not delivered'... sometimes the courier company indicates and sometimes not...

Can we have a system where 1) we can upfront tell the courier company we are expecting something and provide them all the necessary identity proof OR 2) we can send SMS to them as 'identification proof' OR 3) Is there any system already implemented? OR 4) Anybody has better ideas?

How to have two party system in India

BJP and Congress should tie with each other in the coming election, win the election, and bring a mandate to have 2 Party system in India( like Party A or Party B, no more BJP, congress etc etc). Unless this happens, in the current scenario, no single party will come to majority and there will alliance party(NDA/UPA... blah blah) running this country.
These alliances have become 'katputaliya' in the hands of small parties. Small parties think about their own instead of thinking big and are bane to country's growth...