Weather Underground PWS IKARNATA11

Thursday, June 6, 2013

Of morality and resignations!

After the "IPL betting" news broke everyone is on their toes talking about players/politicians/actors morality. Even the most corrupt main stream media is demanding resignations on basis of morality. Even the keyboard warriors (the software engineers like me, lol) are active on twitter/facebook/blogs talking about morality and that he/she should resign from their post/designation.

This is all bull shoot.
1) For a fact, I have never come across a single software engineer who has talked about resignation because it was immoral/illegal to work on a visit/business visa. More over after experiencing so called 'good' things in the west they speak about how 'corrupt' India is and how politicians have no morality! I have definitely met few people who quit the job because they didn't get on-site opportunity, lol.

2) And not to forget the 'fake' resumes that are floating around (esp from that state in India where everyone wants to go to America). Clearly morality is not a question when faking in your resume, because everyone does it! Guess that's the first line of defense of a crook!

3) And for those living/working outside India and who dont belong to above category of moral-less people, first check if you are NRI. Because being a NRI its illegal to have resident savings account, it needs to be converted to NRO account asap! And you become NRI the moment you decide to leave India for indefinite term or if you live outside India for more than 180 days in that financial year! I bet 90% of people will still have savings account in India which is not converted to NRO account. Thats illegal. No, Ignorance of the law is no excuse for breaking it. 

4) And there are majority of us where we have heard about some friend's dad/relatives OR our own relatives who are corrupt! Yet, we never report them to the police (remember not reporting to authorities is equivalent to abetting the corrupt). Even worse, most are proud that they can get 'things' done with the help of someone holding a high govt post. These are the friends you call when you get caught after drink drive or when you met with an accident or something goes wrong! We don't think of morality when we need undue favors from them.
So before we all blame politicians for their lack of morality look yourself in the mirror!

And remember, if we don't vote then we don't have rights to complain about the infrastructure/roads/healthcare.

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