Weather Underground PWS IKARNATA11

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Langoti Vs Underwear

In the series of A vs B posting this is one more addition. Thought, I should let out all the crazy thoughts I have inside me before I reach a stage in life where I am no more interested in posting them.

Me and my colleague from Indore were chit chatting about effects of IT industry on our lifestyle and how it has changed the face of consumerism in Indian cities. The earning capacity of people has increased substantially compared to what it was few years ago. IT Industry is bringing a lot of revenue to India through exports, but at the same time a lot of foreign brands are invading tier-1 and tier-2 cities. People now are getting taste of pizza and burger. McD’s and subway can be easily found now.

Though the spending capacity has increased people aren’t saving much, reason being they have lot more options to spend the money on. And also the cost of living has risen enormously. So at the end of the day, no matter how much you earn, you are spending a lot more and saving less. People don’t mind to paying more for comfort and quality.

At this point of chit-chat my friend asked me if my lifestyle has improved. And if it has improved give me an example. I told him ‘I don’t know if my lifestyle has improved, but I know for sure my spending ability has increased. Previously I used to wear Indian made local brand of Underwear but now I am wearing foreign brand’J. Now our thoughts were diverted more towards Underwear.

Indian men have always worn loincloth or Langoti (langot). There was no concept of underwear until some western guy introduced it. Langoti suits more for us than underwear. Reason being better ventilation, it suits more for Indian hot humid dry weather. Underwear is more suitable in cold countries. The western trend brought us Underwear and along with it brought itching as well. And for itching it brought suitable ointments to apply. All made by western. A humble Langoti with better ventilation couldn’t face the itching underwear. Why only underwear, it’s the same story with bra. And Go commando is nothing new for Indian women in villages :P

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